Clay County HRA has programs for people experiencing homelessness. All applications for these programs come through the local Coordinated Entry System (CARES-Coordinated Assessment, Referral, & Evaluation System).
Our community uses a client-centered, coordinated entry system to access homeless services. We use a brief assessment that helps us understand your housing needs. Assessments can be done in any of the local emergency shelters, by homeless outreach providers, or at the Community Action Agencies. We use this system to help streamline services effectively and fairly. Services are based on funding and availability; housing is not immediate or guaranteed. Housing Provider staff will contact people who have done the CARES assessment when there are openings in local homeless programs.
All Clay County HRA homeless programs follow the West Central Continuum of Care Prioritization Policies.
Need a place to stay tonight in Cass or Clay Counties: call the FM Emergency Shelter Network at 701-499-0000. You can also contact FirstLink at 211 for information on community resources.
CARES Assessment
Housing Supports
Clay County HRA Housing Supports-Scattered Site program: Partnership with Clay County Social Services, Clay County HRA, and local service providers to provide housing related costs and services to people in Clay County who are:
- Experiencing Long-Term Homelessness and;
- Have a verifiable disabling condition and;
- Been assessed by CARES as need rapid rehousing or permanent supportive housing.
Homeless to Housed
Homeless to Housed Rental Assistance Program: Minnesota Housing Trust Fund rental assistance for up to five years in Clay, Wilkin, Douglas, Stevens, Traverse, Grant, and Pope Counties. To be eligible a household must:
- Be experiencing homelessness as defined by the State of Minnesota and;
- Be assessed by CARES as being high priority.
Homework Starts with Home
Homework Starts with Home: Temporary rental assistance, preventive services, and supportive services for families with children, unaccompanied youth, and parenting youth in the West Central Region school districts. To be eligible a household must:
- Have a child or be a student in a participating West Central MN school district and;
- Be experiencing housing instability.
GROWTH (Growing Relationships through Outreach Work Towards Housing)
GROWTH-Growing Relationships through Outreach Work Towards Housing: MN DHS Community Living Infrastructure Grant that provides outreach and housing resources for people who are institutionalized, homeless, or experiencing housing instability. Outreach provided by CAPLP, MAHUBE-OTWA, and West Central Minnesota Communities Action.
BCOW Rental Assistance
This program provides a rental assistance voucher to people living with mental illness in the Becker, Clay, Otter Tail and Wilkin counties (BCOW). This program has also been referred to as Bridges. Priority #1 is for people who are residing in an institution, segregated setting, or under correctional supervision who will be homeless upon exit. If additional vouchers are available (based on funding), Clay HRA will contact people who are homeless using the Coordinated Entry homeless response system.
Apartments Units
Clay County HRA owns and operates permanent supportive housing units within the City of Moorhead. These include apartment as well as townhome units ranging from one to four bedrooms.